Industry Research Laboratory «Continuous Welded Rail Track» (IRL-67)
In order to solve a number of problems related to the structure and operation of the contactless track, in 1992, by order of the Minister of Transport of Ukraine, the industry research laboratory «Continuous Welded Rail Track» was created. In addition, laboratory employees were given tasks to improve the efficiency of the work on laying and ongoing maintenance of the non-contact track.
Currently, scientific activity is conducted in the following main directions:
- Increasing the efficiency and expanding the scope of application of the contactless track;
- Interaction of track and rolling stock in special conditions of non-public railway tracks;
- Determining the service life of track superstructure elements and improving the system of their reuse;
- Improvement of the rail farming system;
- Resource-saving technologies in railway management;
- Development of regulatory and technical documentation for track management of railways of Ukraine;
- Participation in state programs for the introduction of high-speed traffic on the railways of Ukraine.
Contact information:
Address: 61050, Kharkiv, pl. Feuerbacha, 7, room 1.419
phone (057) 730-10-60
Scientific supervisor: candidate of technical sciences, Assoc. Potapov Dmytro