Research work of the department
The Department has been performing a lot of research. Since the foundation of the department, three scientific schools were established:
Professor O. Uhinchus and his followers developed methods of hydraulic and hydrotechnical construction calculating, namely: hydrotechnical constructions of Kuibyshev hydroelectric complex and diversion channels of the Krasnodar irrigation system were arranged; modular studies of throughput capacity of bridge crossings of Penza railway junction were performed. Process control instruments intended to control of deformations and measure of water load of dam body in the building and operation were developed. Based on research findings of the Professor O. Uhinchus there were written 11 monographs, prepared 30 PhDs, 2 – Dr.Sci.Eng.
O. UHINCHUS. Using the conservation of potential flow energy parameter in the engineering hydraulics //M., State Publishing of the Building and Architecture literature – 1951. – 148 p.
The parameter of the conservation of potential flow and its qualities is described in the book. Perspectives of using the conservation of potential flow energy in different aspects of general and engineering hydraulics are reviewed.
O. UHINCHUS. Calculation of filtration through the earth dams // M., STROYIZDAT NARKOMSTROYA – 1960. – 144 p.Calculations of filtration through the earth dams on the impermeable bed and filtration through the earth dams on the permeable bed are reviewed in the book. The findings of the author’s laboratory experiments and issues of the filtration study in the built earth dams are provided.
O. UHINCHUS. The channels and constructions on them // M., GOSSTROYIZDAT – 1953. – 392 p.Classification of channels and principles of defining their main sizes is provided in the book. Navigable, irrigating and hydraulic-power channels, as well as issues related to producing and organization of channel construction are reviewed. Constructions on the channels are described. Issues of channels operation are reviewed.
O. UHINCHUS. Hydraulic, technical and economical calculations of channels // M., STROYIZDAT – 1965. – 274 p.Hydraulic calculations of channels are given in the book. Features of technical and economic calculations of channels are considered. The detailed studies of the channels are described and some issues of their operation are considered.
Professor O. Vynohradov and his followers have done general task assigning in optimal design, reviewed main concepts of mathematical programming and their interpretation, considered engineering optimization methods, identified qualities of optimal systems of the lowest price and weight, designed a variant of gradient method, and developed the cross-section theory with separable characteristics. 27 PhD theses were defended on this subject; Professor O. Vynogradov also published 2 monographs.
O. VYNOHRADOV. The problem of optimal designing in the structural mechanics // Kharkiv: High School, 1973. – 166 p.
The general task assigning of optimal designing is given, the main concepts of mathematical programming and their interpretation in the optimization of problem types and methods of solving are explored in the book. Some engineering optimization methods, properties of optimal systems of the lowest price and weight are considered. The variant of gradient method developed by the author is described in detail, which takes into account the mechanical properties of systems providing good converging. Elements of the general cross-section theory with separable characteristics are developed for steel constructions with a prevailing bend, thus providing the general description of the optimization algorithm.
O. VYNOHRADOV. Issues of calculation of the structures with the lowest weight // M. Transzheldorizdat, 1955. – 173 p.Methods of calculation of constructions of the equivalent strength of the lowest weight which allow to reach considerable saving in designing are presented in the book. The book is intended for railway engineers, technicians and researchers, involved in designing of artificial constructions.
An important scientific and methodology contribution of Professor E. Chykhladze’s school is introduction of contact relations between elements of the steel-concrete constructions in the calculation theory. Influence of coupling between concrete and steel on their load-carrying capacity under different ways of longitudinal load transferring was evaluated for the first time. Important results of steel-concrete slab flexural theory were obtained. A new mathematic model which allows solving the problem of fire-resistance of steel and steel-concrete constructions was proposed. Based on results of researches, 30 PhD theses and 1 doctoral thesis were defended, more than 400 scientific articles were published, 20 author certificates and 8 patents were received, 5 monographs were published.
E. CHYKHLADZE, A. ARSLANKHANOV, M. CHERNENKO et al. Improvement of methods of calculation and design of constructions and buildings //Kharkiv: KharSART, 1996. – 152 p.Issues of steel-concrete slabs deformation theory; search for solution families in the optimization of truss structures; optimal design of steel frames of industrial buildings and beams of railway bridges spans; influence of strain rate to the yield strength; reinforced concrete elements performance after breach of concrete soundness; evaluation of remaining life of reinforced concrete constructions; initial stress tracking by estimate of the load-carrying capacity of reinforced polymer concrete constructions; integration of glass-nylon composite separators instead of brassy one for wagon axle roller bearers, as well as steel effectiveness are considered.
E. CHYKHLADZE, A. ZHAKIN, M. VEREVICHEVA. Fire-resistance of steel and steel-concrete constructions // Kharkiv: KharSART, 2000. – 97 p.Issues of fire-resistance of steel and steel-concrete constructions are presented. A mathematic model which describes the temperature field in the solid, liquid and gaseous phases of concrete is proposed. The method of fire endurance evaluation is developed based on concrete hydration distraction and intrapore pressure evaluation. Derivation of the balance equation for non-uniformly heated force steel-concrete plate under biaxial bending is presented. The computer application is developed.
The book is intended for researchers and postgraduate students and also can be used by university students majoring in civil engineering.
E. CHYKHLADZE, Yu. KITOV, G. VATULIA et al. Basic calculation and design of combined and steel constructions // Kyiv: Publishing office “The transport of Ukraine”, 2006. – 104 p.Issues of calculation and projection of composite and steel-concrete constructions under force and temperature impacts are reviewed. Trussed beams of foot bridge spans, steel-concrete slabs and column are presented. Methods of force calculation and optimization of cross-sections of frame elements are described.
The book is intended for researchers, specialists of design and operation organizations, lecturers, postgraduates and students of technical universities.
E. CHYKHLADZE, L. GAPONOVA Temperature and humidity conditions of steel-concrete load-carrying and enclosing structures of industrial buildings and constructions // Kharkiv: KhNAMG – 2011. – 187 p.Methods of calculation of the heat transfer process in the steel-concrete enclosing structures are developed. Changes of heat resistance of hollow core enclosing structures under impact of environmental factors are defined. Influence of steel reinforcing elements on the thermal resistance is evaluated. Numerical study of humidity conditions for enclosing structures under unsteady conditions of water vapor diffusion are performed.
Postgraduate and post-doctorate studies at the department majoring in:
Since 1996, the specialized scientific board Д64.820.02 works at the department were in doctoral and PhD theses are defended in specialties:
The research advisors of postgraduate students were Professor O. Vynogradov, Associate Professor V. Andriievskyi, Professor E. Chykhladze, Professor O. Uhinchus and Professor O. Yarkho (the Department of Hydraulics and Water Supply).
51 PhD theses were defended at the Department of Structural Mechanics and 32 PhD theses were defended at the Department of Hydraulics: Yu. Kitov, V. Andriievskyi, Ye. Yermak, V. Isikov, O. Doroshenko, B. Bradul- Kyrylov, N. Myroshnic, D. Bendiuh, S. Fesik, F. Pivniev, V. Vasyliev, Yu. Butenko, I. Khrapovytskyi, N. Beliakova, A. Liubymov, M. Chernenko, V. Maliar, G. Khlyvniak, S. Berestianska, G. Vatulia, O. Kobzieva, I. Yehorova, V. Borshchov, L. Neronova, M. Verevicheva, O. Lobiak, Yu. Glazunov, I. Zhakin, A. Motovilov, T. Moldavska, O. Opanasenko, L. Kravtsiv, E. Galaguria, A. Petrov, M. Kovalov, A. Shevchenko and others researchers of UkrSURT were the postgraduates of the Department.
In 2017, the head of the laboratory of the department Mykhailo Pavliuchenkov defended PhD theses in specialty 05.22.07 – Railway Rolling Stock and Train Traction.
На даний час керівниками аспірантів є проф. Ватуля Г.Л., доц. Лобяк О.В та доц. Галагуря Є.І. У 2018 році відбувся захист кандидатської дисертації аспірантом кафедри Петренко Д.Г.
In 2006, the Transport Construction Diagnosis Centre was established at the Department and has been working efficiently since then.