Educational and methodological work of the department
To improve the independent work of students, the department constantly conducts significant publishing and scientific-methodical work. During the existence of the department 45 textbooks and manuals used in the educational process were prepared and printed, 270 methodical instructions were prepared and printed.
Economic diagnostics: Textbook / V. L. Dykan, I. V. Tokmakova, V. O. Ovchinnikova and others. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2022. – 284 p.
The textbook contains a system of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of economic diagnostics. The textbook thoroughly discloses the theoretical foundations of economic diagnostics and outlines its key components in detail: diagnostics of the competitive environment of the enterprise, assessment of the strategic confrontation of competing enterprises, diagnostics of the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products, production potential of the enterprise, management and financial diagnostics, diagnostics of the property and market prices of the enterprise, diagnosis of economic security of the enterprise and its economic culture. The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control. The textbook will become a table book and the best advisor in the educational process for students of economic specialties, graduate students, novice teachers, as well as teachers with extensive teaching experience, it will be useful for all those who intend to deepen their knowledge of economics and business management on their own.
Dykan V.L., Kalabukhin Y.E., Kalicheva N.E., Maslova V.O. Technology of machine-building enterprises: a textbook for economists. / For the head. ed. V.L. Dykan. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2019. – 446 p.
Educational and methodical work of the departmentIn the conditions of the need for structural restructuring of Ukraine’s economy, where the leading role would be played by manufacturing industries, and especially mechanical engineering, formation and support of the medium and small business, revival of research and development, competitiveness of domestic products in general, an important role is given specialists in economics, one of the main tasks of which is the economic justification of the implementation of innovative projects. Therefore, the main goal set by the authors in writing the textbook was to introduce the basics of mechanical engineering technology, learning the laws of technological processes of machinery, identifying parameters that affect the production of machines of a given quality in the program of production at the lowest cost, minimum cost and high productivity, facilitated as much as possible and safe.
This textbook is intended for students of economic specialties, as well as those who want to master the basics of economic knowledge in the field of technology for creating products for the engineering industry.
Dykan V.L., Kagramanyan A.O., Kalicheva N.E., Sukhorukova T.G., Makovoz O.V. Commodity Science and Commercial Activity: Textbook. / Ed. V.L. Dykan.- Kharkiv: USURT, 2018. – 374 p.
Educational and methodical work of the department. The textbook systematizes the theoretical provisions of commodity activity of trade institutions and practical recommendations for improving its effectiveness. The main task of the discipline “Commodity Science” – the need for the formation of fundamental knowledge of the theory of commodity science as a basis for acquiring knowledge about the commodity characteristics of specific goods in order to ensure effective business. The textbook performs the function of theoretical support for achieving this task.
A distinctive feature of the textbook is the synthesis of methodological foundations of commodity science and commercial activity; factors of commodity activity and commercial goals of trade organizations. Methods of commodity science, main types of trade policy, direction of commercial activity are considered.
The textbook uses methodological developments of domestic and foreign authors, as well as generalized experience of large, medium and small trade organizations, representing almost the entire geography of Ukraine. The specified and supplemented formulations of some terms are presented, the primary sources of which are new normative documents.
The textbook is designed for students of economic and management specialties, teachers, entrepreneurs and managers of various levels of management in enterprises, as well as all those who want to master the issues of commodity and commercial activities on their own.
Fundamentals of business: textbook / V.L. Dykan, I.V. Tokmakova, V.O. Ovchinnikova and others. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2018. – 290 p.
The textbook reveals a system of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of organization and doing business in Ukraine. The textbook considers the importance of business for the country’s economy, provides a general description of international business and outlines issues such as: theoretical foundations of business; business entities and objects; forms of business organization in Ukraine; state regulation and support of small, medium and innovative business in Ukraine, etc .. The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of issues for self-control.
The textbook can be useful for students, teachers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as those who seek to acquire economic knowledge in the field of business organization.
Companion V.V. Moral foundations of economics and entrepreneurship: a textbook. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2018. – 353 p.
The main purpose of the author in writing the textbook is to prove that the basis for the development of socio-economic systems are spiritual, moral and socio-cultural principles, the disclosure of the moral foundations of economics and entrepreneurship, the essence and features of socio-economic systems formed in East Slavic and Western civilizations in historical respect and in the present.
The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control, discussion, topics of abstracts.
The textbook will be useful for students, graduate students, teachers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, entrepreneurs.
Panchenko S.V. Entrepreneurship: a textbook / S.V. Panchenko, V.L. Dikan, O.V. Shramenko, O.M. Polyakova, Yu.M. Utkina – H .: USURT, 2018 – in two parts
The textbook characterizes the essence of entrepreneurship, its types, types, properties and functions, business entities and the business environment. Entrepreneurial idea is revealed, the mechanism of creation of own business, business planning, financial and personnel maintenance is stated, it is told about business risks and safety of business activity, psychological aspects of business, culture and ethics of activity of business structures. Considerable attention is paid to assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity and the peculiarities of entrepreneurship in various industries and activities. The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control and topics.
The textbook is designed for students, graduate students and teachers of higher education institutions, colleges, students of business schools. It can also be useful for practicing entrepreneurs, as it contains practical recommendations related to the organization and conduct of business.
Business management: a textbook / S.V. Panchenko, V.L. Dykan, I.V. Volovelska and others; for ag. Ed .. V.L. Dykan. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2017. – 288 p.
The textbook synthesizes the existing domestic and foreign experience in the theory and practice of enterprise management in modern business conditions.
The peculiarity of the textbook is a comprehensive approach to the disclosure of laws, principles and rules of effective management as a basis for achieving long-term success of the enterprise in the market. The questions of essence, the purposes of functions and methods of management are considered; formation of managerial abilities of the head and psychology of business management; making managerial decisions in conditions of risk and conflict situations; application of strategic and anti-crisis model of business competitiveness management, as well as features of production, personnel and financial management of modern business.
The textbook is designed for students of economics and management, teachers, entrepreneurs and managers of various levels of management in enterprises, as well as all those who want to master the issues of effective business management on their own.
Dykan V.L., Nazarenko I.L., Plugina Yu. A. Exchange activity: Textbook / Ed. V.L. Dykan. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2017. – 282 p.
The textbook discusses the theoretical and practical foundations of exchange activities. The issues of the history of origin, formation of the institute of exchange, essence of exchange activity, functions of exchanges, classification of exchanges are considered; state regulation of exchange activity in Ukraine; the concept of “exchange goods” and its properties are analyzed; types of exchange contracts. Attention is paid to the problem of pricing and quotation of the prices on exchanges, fundamental and technical analysis is considered.
The second part of the textbook is devoted to the organization and technology of exchange trading and trade and intermediary activities. The characteristics and features of different types of exchanges are also given: commodity, agro-industrial, stock, currency. Particular attention is paid to the problem of stock market speculation: their economic essence, positive and negative role in the economy are revealed. The exchange is not a self-sufficient institution, it is a tool for the functioning of the real sector, and as much as it performs this function, it is as useful.
Dykan V.L., Kirdina O.G., Nazarenko I.L., Utkina Yu.M. Economics and organization of innovation in railway transport: A textbook. / Ed. V.L. Dykan. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2014. – 225 p.
The manual discusses the theoretical and practical foundations of economics and organization of innovation in rail transport, including the nature and classification of innovations, stages of the innovation process, government regulation and financing of innovation, innovation strategies and their corresponding organizational forms, personal management in innovation and efficiency assessment methods and the risk of innovation projects, legal regulation of innovation.
The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions of economic specialties, especially universities of railway transport, graduate students, teachers, practitioners in the economics of railway transport, as well as anyone interested in the development and dissemination of innovations.
Dykan V.L .Strategic management: textbook / V.L. Dykan, О.В. Zubenko, O.V. Makovoz, I.V. Tokmakova, O.V. Shramenko. – Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2013. – 272 p.
Strategic management is a modern tool for managing the development of the organization in the face of constant changes in the external environment and the associated uncertainty. The textbook comprehensively covers the formation of the concept of strategic management, the essence of strategic management, strategic analysis of the enterprise environment, the formation of the economic portfolio of the enterprise, the system of strategic strategies, alternative strategic choices, strategic planning in the enterprise management system, implementation of strategy and strategic control. The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control, tests and practical tasks.
The textbook can be useful for students, teachers and managers and management of industrial and transport enterprises of Ukraine.
Dykan V.L., Kompaniets V.V., Nazarenko I.L. Technical and economic analysis in railway transport: Textbook. / Ed. V.L. Dykan. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2013. – 504 с.
The textbook considers the theoretical and practical bases of the analysis of production and economic activity on railway transport both at the level of the railway and at the level of linear enterprises. The issues of analysis of volumetric indicators of railway activity, efficiency of use of fixed assets, use of labor resources, human capital of railway, operating costs and transportation costs, financial results of railway activity and methods of comparative comprehensive evaluation of railway activity are covered.
Peculiarities of production and economic activity and its analysis at linear enterprises of railway transport (locomotive depots, car depots, station, station, track distance, track machine station, power supply distance, signaling and communication distance, car section), as well as at industrial railway transport enterprises (on the example of a car repair plant).
Dikan V.L., Maslova V.O. Organization of production: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2013. – 422 p.
The proposed textbook synthesizes the existing domestic and foreign experience on the theoretical foundations of the organization of production at the enterprise. It covers all the main issues related to the theory and practice of managing a manufacturing enterprise in a market environment.
The peculiarity of this textbook is the construction of theoretical material in accordance with the sequence of all processes of production in real production (from the basics of organization of research and development work on its development to the quality control system of finished products), with the first chapter of the conceptual apparatus, from the development of which should begin the study of the course “Organization of production”.
The textbook is intended for students, teachers of economic universities and economic faculties of technical universities, practical specialists of enterprises, as well as for all who wish to obtain systematic knowledge of the organization of production independently.
Dykan V.L., Yelagin Y.V., Sukhorukova T.G. Labor economics in railway transport enterprises: Textbook. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2012. – 225 p.
The textbook contains theoretical and applied provisions on employment, social and labor relations and the labor market, organization and working conditions, working hours and labor rationing. A significant place is given to labor efficiency, organization and regulation of labor and its payment at railway transport enterprises.
The issues of quality of life, income and work motivation of the population, social policy in market conditions are considered.
For students, teachers of economic specialties of the university of railway transport, and can also be used by students of advanced training courses.
Dykan V.L., Borovik U.T., Polyakova O.M., Utkina Y.M. Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises: Textbook. – Kharkiv: USURT, 2012. – 420 p.
The main goal set by the authors in writing the textbook is to systematize the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises. The textbook outlines the issues of the competitive environment, strategies and tactics of competition in the market, assessing the competitiveness of products, enterprises, personnel, industries, countries, approaches to managing the competitiveness of enterprises and organizations of different types. A separate section of the textbook is devoted to ensuring the competitiveness of transport enterprises.
The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control, tests, practical tasks, guidelines for solving practical problems.
The textbook can be useful for students, teachers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as those who seek to acquire economic knowledge in the field of competitiveness of economic entities.
Dykan V.L., Kalabukhin Y.E., Zubenko V.O., Tokmakova I.V., Yusupova T.M. Economics and organization of locomotive economy: Textbook. Kharkiv: USURT, 2011. – 410 p.
The textbook provides a system of theoretical and applied knowledge of economic laws and the ability to apply them in the locomotive industry. The textbook considers the place and role of the locomotive industry in the railway industry of the state, provides a general description of the locomotive industry and outlines: organization of the production process of the locomotive depot, including: planning its activities; organization and planning of traction rolling stock, repairs and maintenance of traction rolling stock, auxiliary facilities; organization of work in the locomotive depot; the role of innovation and investment activities in improving the efficiency of the locomotive industry.
The study of each section of the textbook is accompanied by a list of questions for self-control, tests, practical tasks, guidelines for solving practical problems.
The textbook can be useful to students, teachers and railway management of Ukraine.
Economics of the enterprise: Collection of problems and tests / Ed. Doctor of Economics, Prof. V.L. Dykan. – H .: USURT, 2007.
This collection is intended for students of economic specialties of universities to consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of calculations in the discipline “Business Economics”, it can also be useful for practitioners and anyone who wants to gain knowledge of business economics.