Employees of the EMPCB department

Volodymyr  Dykan

Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. Econ., Professor

Volodymyr Dykan

Doctor of Economics since 1996. He defended his dissertation in the specialized council at Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazina, specialty 08.02.03 – management, planning and state regulation of the economy. Dissertation topic: “Competitiveness and economic stability of enterprises in industrial and financial groups (methodological aspects)” (scientific consultant Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Lukinov I.)

Direction of scientific activity: ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy, economic security of the enterprise, strategic management of the enterprise, state regulation of the economy, international transport infrastructure, industrial centers and corporate logistics.

Author of over 300 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments.

Iryna Tokmakova

Deputy Head of the Department for Research, Dr. Sci. Econ., Professor

Iryna Tokmakova

Doctor of Economics since 2016. She defended her dissertation in the Specialized Academic Council D 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 08.00.03-Economics and National economy Management. Dissertation topic: «Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of harmonic development support for the railway transport of Ukraine» (scientific consultant – Professor V. L. Dykan).

Area of scientific activity ensuring sustainable development industrial and transport enterprises, social and economic responsibility enterprises, management labor potential development, economic security enterprises, industrial centers and international transport corridors.

Author more than 180 scientific papers and educational and methodical developments.

Natalia  Kalicheva

Deputy Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work, Dr. Sci. Econ., Professor

Natalia Kalicheva

Doctor of Economics since 2020. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 in the specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity). Thesis: “Theoretical and methodological principles of ensuring the competitiveness of railway transport enterprises in the transformation of the business environment” (scientific consultant – Professor Dykan V.L.).

Direction of scientific activity:  competitiveness of the enterprise, improvement of activity of the enterprise, production-economic and foreign economic activity of the enterprise, development of the enterprises of railway transport.

Author 160 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Viktoria Ovchynnikova

Dr. Sci. Econ., Professor

Viktoria Ovchynnikova

Doctor of Economics since (2018). She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 08.00.03 – Economics and Management of the National Economy. Dissertation topic: “Theoretical and methodological aspects of strategic management of railway transport development of Ukraine” (scientific consultant – Professor V.L. Dykan).

Direction of scientific activity: ensuring innovation development enterprises of railway transport, strategic management, economic diagnostics, ensuring development of railway transport, economic management of enterprise, economics and management of national economy.

Author more than 140 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Myroslava  Korin

Dr. Sci. Econ., Professor

Myroslava Korin

Doctor of economics since 2019. She defended her dissertation in the dissertation Council d 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State University of railway transport, specialty 08.00.03 – economics and national economy management. Dissertation topic: «Theoretical and methodological aspects of railway transport infrastructure development in the context of cross-border cooperation» (scientific consultant-Professor V. L. Dykan)

Direction of scientific activity: ensuring innovative development of enterprises, ensuring the development of railway transport infrastructure, cross-border cooperation, state regulation of industry, international transport corridors and corporate logistics

Author more than 120 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments

Hanna Obruch

Dr. Sci. Econ., associate professor, Deputy head of the GDR students of the Faculty of Economics

Hanna Obruch

Doctor of economics since 2022. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 in the specialty 08.00.04 – economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity).  Dissertation topic: «Theoretical and methodological aspects of ensuring the balanced development of railway transport enterprises in the context of digitalization» (scientific consultant-Professor V. L. Dykan).

Direction of scientific activity: ensuring balanced development of railway transport enterprises, innovative development and competitiveness of industrial and transport enterprises.

She is the author of more than 110 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments. Has 1 certificate of copyright registration for the work.

Ivan Solomnikov

PhD in Econ., Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work

Ivan Solomnikov

Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2018. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity). Thesis: “Ensuring the technical and technological development of railway transport enterprises (theoretical and methodological principles)” (supervisor – Professor V.L. Dykan).

Direction of scientific activity: ensuring technical and technological development of enterprises.

Author of more than 15 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Mykola Kondratiuk

Ph.D (Econ.)

Mykola Kondratiuk
Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2010. Dysertation has been stolen from the specialised region D 64.820.05 under the Ukrainian Power of the Academy of Foreign Transport for Special Equipment 08.00.03 – the economy and the management of national government. Theme of dysertation: “The adjustment of the organist structure of the national complex of Ukraine in daily minds” (scientific head- Professor Dikan V.L.).
Direction of scientific activity: reform of multiple transport of Ukraine, management of multiple transport of Ukraine, organization of strategy of sales of the management of Ukrainian public transport of Ukraine. The direction of retail transport.
The author over 70 scientific practical and methodological roses. He is on the basis of 65 scientific articles.
Iryna Volovelska

PhD in Econ., associate professor,

Iryna Volovelska

Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2009. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 08.00.04 – economics and enterprise management (by type of economic activity). Thesis: “Choosing the optimal innovation strategy of railway transport enterprises” (supervisor – Professor V.L. Dykan).

Direction of scientific activity: economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of uncertainty, economic psychology.

Author of more than 50 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Iryna Nazarenko

PhD Econ., associate professor

Iryna Nazarenko

PhD in Economics since 2001. The PhD thesis was defended in the specialized  Academic Council K 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 08.07.04 – “Economics of Transport and Communications” on the topic of “Assessment of railway economic security level” (thesis supervisor  – associate professor Kovalev D.І.).

Scientific activity direction:   enterprise and railway transport economic security; economic potential of an enterprise; assessment of enterprise personnel potential and enterprise innovation potential;  intellectual capital of an enterprise; innovation infrastructure of a region; Value Based Management; family business,  intellectual business, creating startups and developing business-plans, CLIL method in teaching economic disciplines in English, etc.

Author of over 240 scientific papers, educational and methodological textbooks and study guides.