Volodymyr Dykan

Position: Head of the Department

Science degree, academic title: Dr. Sci. in Economics, Professor

Year of birth:


He graduated from the Ukrainian Correspondence Polytechnic Institute at the evening department of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with a degree in “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal-Cutting Machines and Tools”.

Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD  Sci. Econ)  since 1994. He defended his dissertation in the specialized council at Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazina, specialty 08.02.03 – management, planning and state regulation of the economy. Dissertation topic: “Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy” (supervisor Ph.D., Professor Boyko I.).

Doctor of Economics (Dr. Sci. Econ)  since 1996. He defended his dissertation in the specialized council at Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazina, specialty 08.02.03 – management, planning and state regulation of the economy. Dissertation topic: “Competitiveness and economic stability of enterprises in industrial and financial groups (methodological aspects)” (scientific consultant Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Lukinov I.)

In 2022 he passed an international internship in Riga (Latvia) on “Innovative educational technologies: European experience and its implementation in the training of the specialists in economics and management.”

He has practical experience: Avtozapchastyna plant (apprentice locksmith, locksmith-repairman of the 6th category, chief mechanic of the plant), Kharkiv Automobile Maintenance Service (production manager, deputy general director for production), AKZT Kharkiv Plant Prommontazhelektronika – YUBiSo Promo ( CEO for 22 years)

Scientific activity direction:

ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy; economic security of the enterprise; strategic management of the enterprise; state regulation of the economy; international transport infrastructure, industrial centers and corporate logistics.

Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honored Builder of Ukraine, Honorary Railwayman.

From 1997-2001 he was a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine in the field of “Economics”.

Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council D 64.820.05 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in “Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity)” and “Economics and Management of National Economy” at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. Under his advice and guidance, 16 doctors and 44 candidates of economic sciences were trained and defended.

Editor-in-Chief of “The bulletin of transport and industry economics'” co-organizer of sixteen scientific and practical international conferences “International Transport Infrastructure, Industrial Centers and Corporate Logistics”.


more than 300 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Awards and diplomas:

Honorary title “Honored Builder of Ukraine” (1993).

Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for significant merits in the development of electrical production (1998); Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for many years of conscientious work in the field of mechanical engineering and on the occasion of the professional holiday – the Day of the Machine Builder of Ukraine (1998); Jubilee medal “X years of MIA” of the Council of Presidents of the International Academy of Engineering (2001); the “Honorary Railwayman” badge (2003); silver medal named after A.M. Podgorny of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine (2003); gratitude of the Kharkiv mayor for significant labor achievements, high professionalism, significant personal contribution to the socio-economic development of Kharkiv and on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the city (2004); Diploma of the Kharkiv City Council for many years of conscientious and fruitful work, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport (2005); honorary diploma of the International Academy of Engineering for significant contribution to the development of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine (2006); winner of the regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv Region – the best names” in the nomination “Head of the Department” (2010, 2011); diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for personal achievements in the field of science, a significant contribution to solving scientific, technical and socio-economic problems of the Kharkiv region and awarded a regional scholarship in the field of science. E. Tugan-Baranovsky (in economics) (2010); Diploma of the Board of the Charitable Foundation “HIITOVETS” for a significant contribution to the implementation of scientific programs and training of young scientists of the highest qualification – candidates and doctors of sciences and their defense in the Specialized Academic Council (2011); Diploma of the Transport Academy of Ukraine for a significant personal contribution to the formation and development of the Transport Academy of Ukraine on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its founding (2012); Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities (2016); Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for a significant contribution to the implementation of state educational programs, the introduction of modern teaching methods in the training of highly qualified personnel for the railway industry and on the occasion of the Day of the Railwayman of Ukraine (2017); diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities (2018); Diploma of the Assembly of Business Circles of Ukraine for personal contribution to the development of economic science of Ukraine, training of specialists for Ukraine and other countries (2018); Diploma of the Rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport for many years of conscientious work, significant work achievements and high professionalism (2018); Diploma of Honorary Professor of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (2018); winner of the regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv Region – the best names” in the nomination “Head of the Department” (2018); gratitude of Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University for high professionalism, fruitful work and preparation of the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of diploma works of students of higher education institutions specializing in “Economics of Enterprise” for higher education “Master” (2019); Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for significant personal contribution to the socio-economic and cultural-educational development of the state, active public activity, conscientious work, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Ukraine (2020), Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For services to the Ukrainian people” (2020).

Featured publications:

  1. Дикань В.Л. Забезпечення конкурентостійкості підприємства: монографія. Х.: Основа, 1995.
  2. Дикань В.Л. Реформирования экономики Украины и конкурентоустойчивость предприятий: монография.  Харьков: Основа, 1997.  345 с.
  3. Дикань В.Л. Пріоритетність та стратегічна значущість транспортної системи для економіки України. Міжнародний техніко-економічний журнал «Українські залізниці», липень 2014. №7(13).  С.24-27.
  4. Дикань В.Л., Корінь М.В. Розвиток високошвидкісного руху в Україні на основі формування виробничо-логістичних кластерів.   Збірник наукових праць УкрДУЗТ. 2015. Вип. 154.  С. 98-103
  5. Дикань В.Л. Концепція інноваційного розвитку економіки України.  Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості.  2015.  № 52.  С. 9-20.
  6. Dykan V., Tokmakova I., Kalicheva N., Korin M., Kozlova A.  Formation of the Institutional Model of Public Administration of Post-Industrial Transformation of the Ukrainian Industrial Complex. International Journal Of Engineering & Technology. 2018.  Vol. 7 No 4.3 (2018): Special Issue 3.  р. 438-444. Pages – 7. website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET/
  7. Дикань В.Л., Островерх Г.Є. Удосконалення механізмів державного управління розвитком залізничної галузі України у евроінтеграційному векторі.  Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. , 2018.  № 62. С.
  8. Дикань В.Л., Заєць Г.П. Організаційно-економічне забезпечення ефективної діяльності підприємств:логістичний підхід.  Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. 2019. №65  С.9-18
  9. Dykan V., Tokmakova I., Pavlichenko V., Cherednychenko O., Korin M. The concept of management of economic security of the railway transport in the context of overcoming the manifestations of a systemic crisis. SHS Web of Conferences. 2019.  Vol. 67. P. 6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20196706014
  10. Dykan V.,  Ovchynnikova V., Kalicheva N., Korin M. Strategic Knowledge Managment as Means of Ensuring the Competitiveness of Railway Transport Enterprises. SHS Web of Conferences. 2019. Vol. 67 P. 6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20196701003
  11. Дикань В.Л., Шраменко В.О. Стратегічні орієнтири державного регулювання суб’єктів малого та середнього бізнесу: колективна монографія “Стратегічні аспекти управління конкурентоспроможністю підприємств у цифровому економічному просторі” [за ред. д.е.н., проф. Ареф’євої О.В.] К.: ФОП Маслаков, 2019.  С. 47-55 (490 с. )
  12. Дикань В. Л., Панченко С.В. Тенденції та протиріччя розвитку залізничного транспорту в умовах становлення світової транспортно-логістичної системи. Oxford Debate. EBA 2020. All rights reserved. 2020. P. 144-151 ( p.178)
  13. Дикань В. Л., Обруч Г. В. Розроблення підходу до формування системи нематеріальної мотивації працівників підприємств залізничного транспорту в умовах цифровізації. Економічний вісник Національного гірничого університету. 2020. № 1 (69). С. 96 ‒ 107.
  14. Дикань В. Л., Обруч Г. В. Управління реалізацією спільних інвестиційних проектів за участю підприємств залізничного транспорту в умовах цифровізації. Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. 2020. № 69. С. 9 ‒ 21.
  15. Sahaidak M., Dykan V., Tepliuk M., Popova N., Bortnik A.Comprehensive assessment of influence of the innovative development asymmetry on functioning of the industrial enterprise. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2020. № 6. рр. 162-167.
  16. Ramazanov S., Dykan V., Babenko V., Honcharenko O., Moisieieva N. Integrated Intelligent Information and Analytical System of Management of a Life Cycle of Products of Transport Companies. Journal of Information Technology Management. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 3. рр. 26-33. URL: https://jitm.ut.ac.ir/article_7629 1_81fc65ca9e7647cc2f978481f587e8de.pdf.
  17. Дикань В. Л., Корінь М. В. Концепція впровадження цифрового реінжинірингу в діяльність промислових підприємств. Адаптивне управління: теорія і практика». Серія «Економіка». 2020. № 8 (16). URL: https://amtp.org.ua/index.p hp/journal2/article/view/292/264.
  18. Babenko V., Dykan V., Baksalova O., Prokhorova V., Ovchynnikova V., Chobitok V. Information and consulting service using in the organization of personnel management. Studies of Applied Economics. 2020. Vol. 38, no 3 (1). URL: http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.ph p/eea/article/view/3999.
  19. Mavlutova I., Dykan V., Babenko V., Prokopenko N., Kalinichenko S., Tokmakova I. Business restructuring as a method of strengthening company’s financial position. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering. 2021. Vol. 14, Issue 1. рр. 129-139. URL: http://www.qjie.ir/article_677839.html.

The main subjects that teaches are:

NumberDisciplineEducation Program/Higher Education Level
1Entry to the professionEnterprise Economics
2Entry to the professionEntrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities
3Economics of the enterpriseEnterprise Economics
4Economics of the enterpriseEntrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities
5Technology of machine-building enterprisesEnterprise Economics
6Technology of machine-building enterprisesEntrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities
7Globalization processes in the modern economyEnterprise Economics
8Methodology of research project managementEnterprise Economics