Myroslava Korin
Position: professor
Science degree, academic title: Dr. Sci. in Economics, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1987
In 2010, she graduated from the Ukrainian state Academy of railway transport with a degree in enterprise economics.
Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2013. She defended her dissertation in the specialized academic council d 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian state Academy of railway transport, specialty 08.00.03 – economics and national economy management. Dissertation topic: «Ensuring innovative development of railway transport based on the formation of an industrial and logistics system» (scientific supervisor-Professor V. L. Dykan).
In 2017, she received the Spoleczna Akademia Nauk certificate in B2-level English.
In 2018, she completed an international internship in Ostrovec-Świętokrzyski (Poland) on the topic «Innovative Educational Technologies: European Experience and Its Application in Training in Economics and Management».
Doctor of economics since 2019. She defended her dissertation in the dissertation Council d 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State University of railway transport, specialty 08.00.03 – economics and national economy management. Dissertation topic: «Theoretical and methodological aspects of railway transport infrastructure development in the context of cross-border cooperation» (scientific consultant-Professor V. L. Dykan)
In 2020, she completed an internship at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), the University of Coventry ( Coventry, Great Britain), the European Institute of continuing education (Podgaysk, Slovakia) on the topic «Sustainable Development of energy and ecology».
Scientific activity direction:
ensuring innovative development of enterprises, ensuring the development of railway transport infrastructure, cross-border cooperation, state regulation of industry, international transport corridors and corporate logistics.
more than 120 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Dykanʹ V.L., Tokmakova I.V., Ovchynnikova V.O., Korinʹ M.V., Tolstova A.V. (2018). Osnovy biznesu [Business basics]: navchalʹnyy posibnyk. Kharkiv: UkrDUZT. 291 р.
- Korinʹ M.V. (2019). Derzhavne rehulyuvannya rozvytku spilʹnykh vyrobnytstv za uchastyu zaliznychnoho transportu v umovakh transkordonnoyi spivpratsi [State regulation of the development of joint production facilities involving railway transport in the context of cross-border cooperation]. Ahrosvit. № 6. Р. 40-48.
- Korinʹ M.V. (2019). Rozroblennya modeli spilʹnoho upravlinnya infrastrukturnymy proektamy rozvytku zaliznychnoho transportu v umovakh transkordonnoyi spivpratsi [Development of a model for joint management of infrastructure projects for the development of railway transport in the context of cross-border cooperation]. Intelekt XXI. № 1. Р. 37-42.
- Korinʹ M.V. (2019). Osoblyvosti formuvannya lokalizovanoho vyrobnytstva z rozvytku zaliznychnoyi infrastruktury [Features of formation of localized production for the development of railway infrastructure]. The bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics. № 65. Р. 117-123.
- Korinʹ M. V. (2019). Rozvytok infrastruktury zaliznychnoho transportu v umovakh transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Development of railway transport infrastructure in the context of cross-border cooperation]: monohrafiya. Kharkiv: UkrDUZT. 401 р.
- Korinʹ M.V., Kondratyuk M.V., Farafonova O.V. (2019). Formuvannya systemy kadrovoho zabezpechennya rozvytku infrastruktury zaliznychnoho transportu v transkordonnykh rehionakh [Formation of a system of Personnel Support for the development of railway transport infrastructure in cross-border regions]. The bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics. № 66. Р. 29-37.
- Korinʹ M.V., Abdullayev A.I., Polʹhuy D.H. (2019). Rozroblennya modeli upravlinnya investytsiynym zabezpechennyam proyektiv rozvytku infrastruktury zaliznychnoho transportu v umovakh transkordonnoyi spivpratsi [Development of a model for managing investment support for railway transport infrastructure development projects in the context of cross-border cooperation]. The bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics. № 67. Р. 238-247.
- Korinʹ M.V., Tokmakova I.V., Ovchynnikova V.O. (2020). Napryamky ta instrumenty derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya stratehichnoho rozvytku zaliznychnoho transportu [Directions and tools of state regulation of strategic development of railway transport]. The bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics. № 69. Р. 114-127.
- Korin M., Babenko V., Koniaieva Y., Yevchuk L., Dikan O., Tokmakova I. (2020). Study of innovative susceptibility of low potentional energy technologies in Ukraine. Estudios de Economia Aplicada. № 38(4). URL: doi: 10.25115/EEA.V38I4.4095.
- Dykanʹ V.L., Korinʹ M.V. (2020). Kontseptsiya vprovadzhennya tsyfrovoho reinzhynirynhu v diyalʹnistʹ promyslovykh pidpryyemstv [Concept of introduction of digital reengineering in the activities of industrial enterprises]. Adaptyvne upravlinnya: teoriya i praktyka. Seriya «Ekonomika». № 8 (16). Rezhym dostupu:
- Korin M., Bezuhla J., Kononenko Ya., Bytiak O., Zacharchyn H. (2021). Renovation and sustainable development of the industrial energy enterprise: economic and legal management mechanism. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. № 628 (1). URL: doi:10.1088/1755-1315/628/1/012009.
- Korinʹ M.V., Tokmakova I.V., Ovchynnikova V.O. (2020/2021). Stratehiya rozvytku infrastruktury zaliznychnoho transportu Ukrayiny v umovakh rozshyrennya transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Strategy for the development of railway transport infrastructure in Ukraine in the context of expanding cross-border cooperation]. The bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics. № 72-73. Р. 164-172.
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Economic analysis | Enterprise Economics |
2 | The economy of impressions | Enterprise Economics |
3 | Supply chain management | Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities |
4 | Corporate Logistics | Enterprise Economics |
5 | Social entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities |