History of the department
The Department of Economics, Organization and Enterprise Management was founded in 2001. In January 2014, it was renamed the Department of Economics and Management of Production and Commercial Business.
From the first year of its foundation, the department was headed by a well-known scientist-economist, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Honored Builder of Ukraine, Honorary Railwayman V. Dykan. His rich practical experience allows to bring the training of competitive specialists in the economics of industry and transport to the modern needs of the market.
Until 2015, the department trained specialists in the specialty “Enterprise economics“, and now – in the specialties “Economics” and “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities” educational programs “Enterprise economics“, “International economy”, “Entrepreneurship“, ” Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities“.
The total contingent of students in our specialties was about 700 people who receive full-time and part-time education on a budget and contract basis. The department also trains specialists in an abbreviated form of education on the basis of the complex “University-College”.
The educational process at the department is provided by 14 teachers, including 6 doctors of sciences, professors and 8 candidates of sciences, associate professors, as well as four persons of teaching and support staff. On 1.09.24 The worst index of the department (scientometric indicator, which determines the place in the staff of the department in the scientific environment of the country) is 42, which gives the opportunity to be in the top ten departments of economic direction of Ukraine (Profile in GoogleScholar).
The teaching staff of the department trains specialists of three educational and qualification levels: bachelor, master of specialties: 051 “Economics” (educational program “Enterprise economics“, “International Economics”) and 076 “Entrepreneurship and Trade” (educational program training “Entrepreneurship“, “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities“); doctors of philosophy specialty 051 Economics. Training is carried out by full-time and part-time, full and abbreviated forms of education.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialty 051 Economics, fields of knowledge 05 Social and behavioral sciences. Since 2001, the department has a specialized academic council D 64.820.05 for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in the above specialties. The chairman of the council is the head of the department prof. V. Dikan.
During 2001–2021, the specialized academic council defended 31 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Economics, 150 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. Currently, the department prepares five graduate students and two applicants. The topics of dissertations and works submitted for defense, which are still being prepared, are determined by the main areas of research activities of the department and faculty.
A scientific school was formed at the department under the leadership of prof. V. Dykan in the following areas of research: “Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy”, “Economic security of the enterprise”, “Strategic management of the enterprise”, “State regulation of the economy”, “International transport corridors and logistics centers”, “Entrepreneurship ».
Since 2002, the department has had an editorial board of the collection of scientific works “The bulletin of transport and industry economics”, which is published 4 times a year and registered with the SAC of Ukraine as a professional publication. During 2002–20214, 86 issues of the collection were published. The index of the worst collection (scientometric indicator, which determines the place of the collection in the scientific environment of the country) is 41, which allows it to enter the top 30 journals in Ukraine (Profile in GoogleScholar).
Since 2004, the department is a co-organizer of 20 scientific and practical international conferences “Problems of international transport corridors and the unified transport system of Ukraine”, which since 2017 has changed its direction to “International transport infrastructure, industrial centers and corporate logistics“.
To improve the independent work of students, the teaching staff of the department constantly prepares and publishes scientific and methodological literature, which must be used in the educational process. During the existence of the department the total number of such works is 45 textbooks and manuals, more than 270 methodological developments.
Scientific and methodical literature prepared by the teaching staff of the department annually takes the first places in the competition of scientific and methodical literature at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. The textbook “Labor Economics at Railway Transport Enterprises” was presented for the State Prize in Science and Technology in 2015.