Employees of the AT department

Oleksandr Sosunov

Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

Oleksandr Sosunov

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1997. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council at Kharkiv Military University, specialty 20.02.12 “Military cybernetics, systems analysis…”. The topic of the dissertation is special. Scientific adviser – Ph.D., prof. І. Kirichenko. Associate Professor since 2004.

Direction of scientific activity – automatic control systems, digital signal processing.

Author of more than 73 scientific and educational works. He has 21 patents.

Olena Shcheblykina

PhD, Associate Professor

Olena Shcheblykina

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of knowledge 27 “Transport” with a specialty 275 “Transport technologies”. On March 5, 2021, she defended her dissertation “Increasing the operational readiness of train traffic control systems based on the control of functional parameters” in the one-time specialized academic council DF 64.820.002 of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Higher education. In 2014 she graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport (UkrDAZT) with a degree in Automation and Automation in Transport.

The direction of scientific activity – Reliability and safety of functioning of modern systems and complexes of transport automation.

Author of 4 scientific papers. Published 4 abstracts at scientific conferences.

Oleksii Lazariev

Senior Lecturer

Oleksii Lazariev

Higher education. In 1992 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Engineers (HIIT) with a degree in “Automation, Telemechanics and Communications in Railway Transport”, qualification of railway engineer-electrician

Area of ​​scientific activity: – optimization of maintenance of devices and systems of railway automation with the use of artificial intelligence technologies.

Author of 22 scientific works, 10 scientific-methodical and educational-methodical developments, 2 patents.

Mykhailo Ushakov

Senior Lecturer

Mykhailo Ushakov

Higher education. In 1994 he graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in “Automation of telemechanics and communication in railway transport.” He received a diploma with honors and the qualification of “electrical engineer”.

The direction of scientific activity is microprocessor information and control systems on railway transport, computer technologies in the educational process.

Author of 17 scientific papers, 5 patents.