Science degree, academic title: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1970
In 1993 she graduated from the philological faculty of Kharkiv State University. M. Gorky, specialty “Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature. ” She has been working at Ukrainian University of Railway Transport since 1993. In 2007 she defended her thesis in the specialty 10.02.01- “Ukrainian language”. In 2009 she received the academic title of Associate Professor. From 2009 to 2010 headed the department of history and Ukrainian studies. In 2010, she was appointed head of the Department of Linguistics in connection with its creation.
Scientific activity direction:
semantic syntax, scientific terminology, translation of complex technical texts
of more than 52 scientific papers of which 16 guidelines (8 co-authored), 36 theses, scientific and methodological articles.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
Sub’yektnist yak sintaksichna kategoriya// Lingvistichni studiyi: Zb.. naukovih pr. – Doneck:: Don NU, 2005
Vpliv semantiki predikata na poziciyu formalno ne okreslenogo sub’yekta // Lingvistichni doslidzhennya. _ Harkiv: HNPU, 2005
Ponyattya semantichnogo sub’yekta i jogo rol v organizaciyi semantiko – sintaksichnoyi budovi rechennya // Lingvistichni doslidzhennya .- Harkiv HNU, 2005
Semantiko-sintaksichna i komunikativna reprezentaciya sub’yektnosti v tekstah poetichnih tvoriv// Informacijno-kulturna skladova osviti: osnovni problemi ta perspektivi u formuvanni osobistosti. – Harkiv: HNGUSG 2006
Osoblivosti poziciyi semantichnogo sub’yekta v rechennyah performativnogo tipu // Zapiski s ukrayinskogo movoznavstva.- Odesa, 2006
Osoblivist yednosti dvoh dij odnogo sub’yekta v strukturi prostih odnoskladnih rechen poetichnih tvoriv( na prikladi tvorchosti L. Kostenko)// Shidnoslov’yanska filologiya. Gorlivka,2006.
Management documentation for students of correspondence magistracy and receiving a second higher education at the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Studies at UkrURT