Position: docent
Science degree, academic title: candidate of technical sciences
Year of birth: 1975
In 1998 he graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport (UkrSURT) with a degree in “Organization of transportation and management of transport (railway transport)”
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2008. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in the specialty 05.22.20 – “Operation and repair of vehicles”, diploma number DK №048359.
The topic of the dissertation: “Improvement of the organization of car flows on the railway network during international cargo transportation”
Scientific activity direction:
Optimization of transport systems technology based on logistical approach, analysis and development of new forms of interaction of different types of transport, development of new variants of hybrid transport on railways, expansion of transport activities of railway companies, development of diversification of PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”, development of new approaches to transporting dangerous goods. rail transport.
Guarantor of the educational program “Transport Service and Logistics”
Certified expert in training and transportation of dangerous goods
Member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine
Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation
Member of the OSCE Monitoring Commission on Human Rights in Ukraine
Author of more than 40 scientific papers. Within the framework of educational and methodical work by associate professor Lyuchkova DS 20 scientific-methodical and educational-methodical developments were published and prepared for printing, 9 of them were educational-methodical.
Awards and diplomas:
Diploma of the State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine (2009);
Sign “Railway Glory” of the III degree (2011)
Gratitude of the Southern Railway (2012);
Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2015).
Featured publications:
- Аналіз розвитку контрейлерних перевезень в Україні /Лючков Д.С., Мудренко Д.А., Гузенко М.М. // Збірник наукових праць УкрДАЗТ.-Харків: УкрДАЗТ, 2013.- Вип. 112, – С. 112 – 115.
- Балака, Є. І. Використання електропоїздів для прискорених вантажоперевезень невеликими відправленнями [Текст] / Є. І. Балака, Д. С. Лючков, М. М. Одегов // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – 2018. – № 62 (Додаток). – С. 49-50.
- Анализ внедрения скоростного железнодорожного движения /Лючков Д.С., Бердник Ю.Л. // Вагонный парк. – Харьков, 2013. – №12. – С.28-30.
- Огляд вантажних перевезень у міжнародному сполученні /Лючков Д.С., Калугіна К.В. // Вагонный парк. – Харьков, 2012. – №11. – С.13-15.
- Ефективність застосування малопотужних уповільнювачів на спускній частині нових гіркових горловин /Лючков Д.С., Огар О.М., Розсоха О.В. // Збірник наукових праць УкрДАЗТ.-Харків: УкрДАЗТ, 2008.- Вип. 99, – С. 139 – 151.
- Розробка імітаційної моделі системи обслуговування вантажних поїздів на прикордонно-передаточній залізничній станції /Лючков Д.С., Альошинський Є.С. // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – Харьков, 2008. – №2/4(32). – С.4-7
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Transport and freight systems | Transport Service and Logistics |
2 | Logistics | Railway installations and rail transport operations |
3 | Interaction of modes of transport | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
4 | Supply chain management | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |