Education: In 2013 she graduated from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in Railway Structures and Track Management.
Since 2014 – graduate student of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport in the specialty 05.22.06 – Railway structures and track facilities.
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2018. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council K 26.820.01 of the State University of Economics and Technology of Transport, specialty 05.22.06 – Railway track.
Thesis: “Influence of the level of horizontal transverse forces on the resources of rails in the conditions of the Kharkiv subway” Scientific adviser – doctor of technical sciences, prof. O.M. Darensky.
Scientific activity direction:
Increasing the resources of the rails in the subway, and developing recommendations for their fuller use.
8 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.