Board composition

Yevhen Korostelov

PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor

Yevhen Korostelov

PhD (Tech.) 2017, Associate Professor since 2021. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council K 26.820.02 at the State University of Infrastructure and Technology, specialty 05.22.06 – railway. Dissertation topic: “Increasing the life of subway rails by slowing down the development of their dominant defects.” Scientific adviser – Ph.D., Assoc. Skoryk O.O.

Research direction:  increasing the service life of rails by slowing down the development of their dominant defects.

Author of 42 scientific papers and educational and methodological developments, including 1 patent for an invention and 1 patent for a utility model, 6 articles in publications included in the international scientific and metric databases SCOPUS.

Alina Malishevska

PhD, Assistant

Alina Malishevska

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2018. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council K 26.820.01 of the State University of Economics and Technology of Transport, specialty 05.22.06 – Railway track. Thesis: “Influence of the level of horizontal transverse forces on the resources of rails in the conditions of the Kharkiv subway” Scientific adviser – doctor of technical sciences, prof. O.M. Darensky.

Field of research: Increasing the resources of the rails in the subway, and developing recommendations for their fuller use.

Author of 8 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Anna Shevchenko

PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor

Anna Shevchenko

PhD (Tech.), Associate Professor since 2013. She defended her dissertation in the specialized scientific council D64.820.02 in the specialty 05.23.01 – building structures, buildings and structures. Dissertation topic: “Stress-strain state of reinforced concrete round slabs”. Scientific advisers – D.Sc. (Tech), Professor Chikhladze E., D.Sc. (Tech), Professor Vatulia G.

Research direction:   design of reinforced concrete and combined slabs and their calculations for power influences, reconstruction and design of high-speed highways. Combining teaching and research activities, I prepare students for student research competitions of the first and second stages.

Author more than 100 scientific works and educational and methodical developments, including 2 textbooks, 6 articles in publications included in the international scientometric databases SCOPUS and Web of Science, 1 patent.




Head of the center of public relations and PR of UkrSURT

Direction of scientific activity: Enterprise development management, national economy management strategy, personnel management and HR-management, digital-marketing, SMM, creation of small and medium-sized business brands.

Author of more than 30 scientific works and educational and methodological developments.

Oleksandr Kameniev

Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Center NPP PDO

Oleksandr Kameniev

Candidate of Technical Sciences since 2014. He defended his dissertation in the specialized scientific council D64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport in the specialty 05.22.20 – “Operation and repair of vehicles”. Dissertation topic: “Improvement of methods and means of technical control of the microprocessor centralization system“. Scientific adviser – Ph.D., V.Kustov.

The direction of scientific activity is technical control and reliability of railway automation systems, methodology of synthesis and increase of efficiency of operation of station control and regulation systems of train movement, configuration and verification of software of automated control systems of technological processes.

Author of more than 100 scientific and educational works, including 6 scientific publications in publications indexed by the international scientometric database Scopus, 1 monograph published in English, 7 patents and copyright certificates.

Hanna Ostroverkh


Hanna Ostroverkh

Postgraduate student of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 051 – economics.

Direction of scientific activity: enterprise development management, strategy management of the national economy, HR and HR-management.

Author of more than 30 scientific works and educational and methodical developments.

Olena Shcheblykina

PhD, Associate Professor

Olena Shcheblykina

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of knowledge 27 “Transport” with a specialty 275 “Transport technologies”. On March 5, 2021, she defended her dissertation “Increasing the operational readiness of train traffic control systems based on the control of functional parameters” in the one-time specialized academic council DF 64.820.002 of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Higher education. In 2014 she graduated from the Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport (UkrDAZT) with a degree in Automation and Automation in Transport.

The direction of scientific activity – Reliability and safety of functioning of modern systems and complexes of transport automation.

Author of 4 scientific papers. Published 4 abstracts at scientific conferences.