Center for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
In 2015, the Center for Higher Education Quality Assessment and Distance Learning was established on the basis of the University’s computer center, the purpose of which was to monitor the quality of the provision of educational services, as well as impartial and objective assessment of the level of students’ knowledge through the automation of module control.
The first head of СHEQA from 2015 to 2019 was Oleksandr Sayapin, associate professor of the Department of Research and Design of Roads, Geodesy and Land Management. Since 2015, a planned system of checking the level of students’ knowledge by conducting computer testing twice a semester has been launched. During these years, large-scale work was carried out on the creation of a testing system, the foundations of the organization and implementation of modular control of students’ knowledge were laid, test task programs were compiled in all disciplines in all departments from the 1st to the 5th year, methodical recommendations for the formation of test tasks were developed.
A further impetus for the development of the internal higher education quality assurance system was the approval in summer 2019 of the Regulations on Accreditation of Educational Programs for Higher Education, which opened up new, promising horizons for work in this area.
In the fall of 2019, СHEQA was renamed the Center for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CQAHE), the head of which from 2019 to 2021 Cand. Sc. (Tech), associate professor Vladyslav Panchenko, currently Vice-Rector for Research and Educational Activities of the university. From 2021 to the present, the Center is headed by Cand. Sc. (Tech), associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Technical Service of Machines Andriy Babenko.
The center conducts active work in several directions, the main ones of which are:
• constant and systematic electronic monitoring of the quality of higher education through an electronic survey of all participants in the educational process and employers;
• control over compliance with the principles of academic integrity at the University;
• provision of consultations and clarifications on issues of quality assurance of higher education by developers of educational programs, heads of structural divisions and student self-government;
• development of effective, fair and effective mechanisms for moral and material encouragement of University teachers to excellence;
• development and support of the Moodle distance learning system of UkrDUZT;
• teaching teachers and students the skills of working with distance education tools;
• participation in projects and programs aimed at professional improvement of teachers.
To carry out its work, the Center has the appropriate material and technical base and uses the University’s computer network: 46 educational laboratories and computer classrooms equipped with computers, on the basis of which the “Rubikon” student achievement monitoring program works.
With the beginning of the Covid epidemic, the educational process switched to a mixed format, mainly using distance technologies, and with the onset of martial law – exclusively to the distance form of education. The Center’s employees coordinate the process of filling out distance courses, as well as conducting classes and modular control using the Moodle distance learning system.
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The CQAHE team continues to work together with you to further improve the quality assurance system of higher education of UkrDUZT!
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