Educational and methodical work of the department

Head of the Department

Tolstov Ivan

Head of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor

building 3, floor 3, room 319

Educational and methodical work of lecturers of  Philosophy and Sociology Department.

Lecturers of the department are constantly and systematically working to expand and update methodological support of disciplines taught at the department. Every year methodical developments of lecturers of the department are nominated for participation in the competition of educational and methodical literature of UkrSURT and have repeatedly been awarded diplomas as winners in relevant nominations.

Methodical development of lecturers of the department:

Educational and methodical work of the department

TOLSTOV I.V., DANILYAN V.O. Sociology: Textbook.

– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2018. – 284 p., table 3.

ІСВN 978-617-654-078-6

The textbook, taking into account experience of teaching the discipline “Sociology” by Philosophy and Sociology Department of Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, provides detailed material that reveals the content of topics: object and subject, structure and functions of sociology, stages of sociology establishment as an independent science. The essence of society as a complex social system and features of the development of post-industrial society in the era of globalization are highlighted. Considerable attention is paid to issues of interethnic relations, family, youth and other spheres of public life.

Dedicated to students of higher technical education establishments, as well as to  everybody who is interested in aspects of public life.


Educational and methodical work of the department

PETRUSHOV V.M., TOLSTOV I.V. Philosophy: normative course P 312: Textbook.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2013. -341 p.

ISBN 978-617-654-009-0

The textbook, based on experience of teaching normative course of philosophy in higher educational establishments and in accordance with the work program of the discipline, provides detailed material on the history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, anthropology, social philosophy, aesthetics, religion, and recommended literature.

Dedicated to university students, graduate students, teachers, as well as to anyone interested in problems of philosophy and philosophical sciences.



Educational and methodical work of the department

SYVOHRAKOVA Z.A., HARMASH N.V. Psychology: Textbook. – UkrSART, 2007. – 300 p.

The textbook has general psychological focus. Its purpose is to provide modern psychological knowledge to students who are obtaining non-psychological education. The content of the manual consists of categories and concepts that reveal psychological essence of human as a person, the main issues of social psychology. The sequence of topics outlined in the manual corresponds to the traditional logic formed in modern psychology.

Each topic is accompanied by self-assessment questions and the list of recommended literature. General glossary of terms is also included in the manual.





Educational and methodical work of the department

KOLICHEVA T.V. Psychology of Business Communication: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2012. – 106 p.

The syllabus of lectures is prepared in accordance to the work program of the course “Psychology of Business Communication”. The lectures address issues that deepen knowledge of magisters in the field of humanities and push the level of communication culture for future professionals. Knowledge in psychology of business communication is needed to help magisters to master the basics of psychological science, as well as to develop the skills to analyze both their own psychological state and the psyche of others in order to increase the effectiveness of their activity. The course of lectures is aimed at its practical usage in business life, it will help to better understand various phenomena of business relations. Recommended to magisters of all faculties.




Educational and methodical work of the department

LEBEDIEV V.O. Logic: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2013.-84 p.

This syllabus of lectures is developed in accordance to the requirements of the work program of the discipline “Logic” for Economics Faculty of UkrSURT based on experience of presenting relevant course of lectures. It is a component of educational and methodical complex of the discipline which includes methodical instructions for seminars, tests, basic and additional literature, questions to written tests. The syllabus of  lectures considers seven topics that cover all topics of the work program, test questions are given. Lecture notes can be used both to prepare to seminars and for self-study of the discipline.

The syllabus of lectures is aimed at full- or part-time students of all training directions of Economics Faculty of UkrSURT. It includes knowledge that students need to improve the principles of thinking, constant cultural enrichment, self-improvement.



Educational and methodical work of the department

DANILYAN V.O., MIKHEYEVA V.V. Methodological Guidelines for Seminars.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2011. – 70 p.

Methodological guidelines for seminars are prepared in accordance to the curriculum of the discipline and are part of educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Sociology”. The work contains thematic plan of the course, seminar plans for each topic, tasks, questions for control and self-control, practical tasks that require independent creative approach of students for searching and processing information in sociology, topics of reports, abstracts and messages, guidelines for organization of students` independent work.

Methodological guidelines for seminars are dedicated to full-time students of technical specialties.



Educational and methodical work of the department

DANILYAN V.O., MIKHEYEVA V.V. Sociology of Religion: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2012. – 73 p.

The syllabus of lectures is prepared in accordance with the work program of the course “Sociology” and is part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline.

Lecture notes provide definitions of the concept of religion, clarify the subject and object of sociology of religion, their functions and research methods. Syllabus draws special attention to typology and forms of religion. Influence of religion on modern society is considered. Statistics of religious denominations in Ukraine are presented. Lecture notes also contain: dictionary of basic concepts, topics for self-study, topics of report papers and the list of references.  Recommended to full- and part-time students of economic and technical areas.



Educational and methodical work of the department

DANILYAN V.O. Sociology of Culture: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2009. – 33 p.

The syllabus of lectures is prepared in accordance to the working program of the course “Sociology” and is a part of educational and methodological complex of the discipline.

The definition of the concept of culture is given in the work, structural elements of sociology of culture, its main functions and dysfunctions are considered, as well as special attention is paid to forms of culture and its varieties. At the end of the work there is a dictionary of basic concepts, questions for students` discussion and self-work, topics for report papers. Recommended to full-time students of economic specialties.



Educational and methodical work of the department

TOLSTOV I.V. Philosophy of Science: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSURT, 2015.-38 p.

The syllabus of lectures is prepared in accordance to the program of the training course “Philosophy” for technical specialties and is an integral part of compulsory training course in philosophy. It is aimed to help students in short period of time to orient themselves in complex subject of philosophy of science, to learn independence of thought and its application in solving professional problems. The syllabus of lectures in an intelligible form reveals features of scientific knowledge, its structure, levels, methodology and research methods, highlights problems of science dynamics, historical development, patterns, features of the modern stage. The study material is presented in an analytical aspect, having studied which each student will be able to test himself answering the questions at the end of each topic which are aimed at self-control. It is recommended to full-time students of technical specialties who study the program course of philosophy.



Educational and methodical work of the department

SYVOHRAKOVA Z.A. Psychology of Stress. Stress Management as an Aspect of Psychological Competence of a Specialist: Compendium of Lectures.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2015. – 42 p.

The syllabus of lectures is developed according to the content and structure of the work program on discipline “Psychology”. It is a component of educational and methodological complex of the discipline and is aimed to expand theoretical and practical content of the topic “Affective and Regulatory Sphere of Human Psyche”. The Syllabus of lectures contains theoretical material which reveals issues of modern understanding of the phenomenon of stress, its dynamics, causes and factors of its  development, occupational stress, prevention and overcoming negative effects of stress; methodical recommendations on students` self-work; list of questions for self-control; tasks for discussion, psychological tasks, list of recommended  literature; psychodiagnostic techniques for determining characteristics of current mental state and other important characteristics in the context of the topic of personality. Recommended to full- and part-time students of economic and technical specialties.


Educational and methodical work of the department

DANILYAN V.O., MIKHEYEVA V.V. Sociology of Personality: Compendium of Lectures for full-time students.

– Kharkiv: UkrSART, 2011. – 43 p.

The syllabus of lectures is prepared in accordance to the work program of the course “Sociology” and is part of educational and methodological complex of the discipline. The paper defines such concepts as: “human”, “individual”, “individuality”, “personality”, highlights basic sociological concepts, considers internal structure, social status and roles of the individual, and pays special attention to the behavior of deviant person. At the end of the work there is a dictionary of basic concepts, questions for discussion and self-work of students, topics for report papers.

Recommended to full- and part-time students of economic and technical areas of study.