Tolstov Ivan

Position: Head of the Department, docent

Science degree, academic title: Сandidate of philosophic sciences, Associate Professor

Year of birth: 1985


In the year of 2007, he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, V. N. KarazinKharkiv National University in the specialty “The philosopher, lecturer of philosophical disciplines”, with distinction. He is Candidate of Philosophy, Specialty09.00.03. – Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History. The subject of the thesis is “Antithetic of positive and natural law in sphere of legitimation of policy”, ДК №068111.In the year of 2018, he obtained rankof Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, АД №000898.

Member of the Sociological Association of Ukraine (SAU).

Scientific activity direction:

Social Philosophy (legitimation of policy); History of Philosophy (Philosophy of American critical realism by George Santayana); sociology (sociology of transport).

Since 2017 he takes part in the initiative research work “Philosophical and scientific-practical study of the constructive possibilities of the integral rationalism for the creation of modern and supermodern cognitive technologies for decision-making by the staff of structures and subdivisions of railway transport in the conditions of increasing the intensity of train traffic”.


Author of 76 scientific publications and teaching materials, which 61 articles, 11 study guides for students, two textbooks (co-author).



Awards and diplomas:

Inthe year 2016, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport on the occasion of Railroad Worker’s Day.

Featured publications:

  1. Tolstov I.V. B. Kistyakivskij – zasnovnik ukrayinskoyi integralnoyi filosofiyi prava. Gumanitarnij chasopis. Harkivskij nacionalnij aerokosmichnij universitet im. M. Ye. Zhukovskogo «Harkivskij aviacijnij universitet».– 2015.-№1.–S.52-58 (COPERNICUS)(fahove vidannya)
  2. Tolstov I.V., Petrushov V.M. Socialno-antropologichni ideyi i amerikanskomu kritichnomu realizmi (Dzhordzh Santayana). «Antropologichni vimiri filosofskih doslidzhen»: Zbirnik naukovih prac Dnipropetrovskogo universitetu zaliznichnogo transportu imeni akademika V. Lazaryana. – Vip.. №12(2017). – s.78-84( 7/5) (vklyucheno do naukometrichnoyi bazi Web of Science, fahove vidannya)
  3. Tolstov I.V.,Danil’yan V.O., Frolov O.I. Deyaki osoblivosti i zakonomirnosti ekonomichnogo rozvitku informacijnogo suspilstva. Visnik ekonomiki transportu i promislovosti (zbirnik naukovo-praktichnih statej), 2018. – №62 (Specvipusk). – s.20-29 (COPERNICUS)(fahove vidannya)
  4. TOLSTOV, I. V., PETRYSHOV, V.M. THE ANTROPOLOGY OF GENDER BY VASIL ROSANOV AND THE ETHICS OF SEXUAL DIFFERENCE BY LUCE IRIGARAY. Anthropological Mefsurements of Philosophical Research. [S.I.], n.15, p.145-154, mar. 2019 ISSN 2304-9685. (vklyucheno do naukometrichnoyi bazi Web of Science, fahove vidannya)
  5. Tolstov I.V. Filosofiya Volodimira Solovjova ta hristiyanstvo. Gumanitarnij chasopis. Harkivskij nacionalnij aerokosmichnij universitet im. M. Ye. Zhukovskogo «Harkivskij aviacijnij universitet».– 2013.-№4.–S.20-26 (COPERNICUS)(fahove vidannya)
  6. Tolstov I.V. Politika situaciyi postmodernu/ visnik Harkivskogo nacionalnogo universitetu imeni V.N. Karazina, 2014. – №1093. Seriya «Filosofiya» – «Filosofski peripetiyi». – s. 33-36.(fahove vidannya)
  7. Tolstov I.V. Evristichnij potencial koncepciyi legitimnosti M. Vebera / visnik Harkivskogo nacionalnogo universitetu imeni V.N. Karazina, 2014. – №1130. Seriya «Filosofiya» – «Filosofski peripetiyi». – s. 104-112.(fahove vidannya)
  8. Tostov I.V.,Petrushov V.M. Filosofiya: normativnij kurs. Navchalnij posibnik z grifom Minosviti. – Harkiv: UkrDAZT, 2013. -343/85 (u spivavtorstvi Petrushov V.M.)
  9. Tolstov I.V., Danil’yan V.O. Sociologiya. Navchalnij posibnik. – Harkiv: UkrDUZT, 2018. – 284 s.
  10. Tolstov I.V.Globalna ekologichna kriza ta filosofiya prirodi//Ukraine – EU. Modern Technology, Business and Law : collection of international scientific papers : U31 in 2 parts. Part 2. Societal Challenges. Innovations of Social Work, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology. Environmental Protection. Management and Public Administration. Innovations in Education. Current Issues in the Reformation of the Higher Education System in the Aspect of Ukrainian Eurointegration. Current Issues of Legal Science and Practice – Chernihiv : CNUT, 2016. – P 71-73. (konferenciya provedena u krayini, sho vhodit do YeS)
  11. Tolstov I.V. Vasil Shenderovskij – svitoch ukrayinskoyi nauki ta kulturi. Pobornik dushevnogo miru: Materiali Vseukrayinskoyi naukovoyi konferenciyi «Iskat i udivlyatsya znachit to zhe», prisvyachenoyi 100-richchyu vid dnya narodzhennya Tronka Petra Timofijovicha (s. Skovorodinivka, 16 travnya 2015 roku);Eseyi peremozhciv konkursu «Pobornik dushevnogo miru» (2014). 0 Harkiv: Majdan, 2015. – 26-29

The main subjects that teaches are:

NumberDisciplineEducation Program/Higher Education Level
1Philosophy and sociologyAccounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions
2Psychology and sociologyCommercial activity and logistics
3 SociologyElectric Transport