About the department
For the last 25 years, the economy of Ukraine has been in a state of decline, and the only way out of this situation is to establish industrial production and entrepreneurship, ie to ensure the effective development of the economy of enterp rises in all areas.
To achieve the set strategic goals, of course, qualified specialists are needed who have theoretical and practical bases on the creation and organization of small, medium and large businesses, as well as their effective further development to ensure the production of competitive goods and services.
By choosing such a way of developing economic relations, our country and each of its citizens will become richer.
The Department of Economics and Management of Production and Commercial Business of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport is a leader in training such highly qualified specialists, which are so needed by our domestic enterprises.
Our graduates – bachelors and masters in “Economics” in training programs “Enterprise economics”, “Economic Security of Enterprise“,“International Economics“ and “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” in training programs “Entrepreneurship“, “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” – have wide scope of application of their knowledge, skills and abilities:
- in the production activities of enterprises of any sector of the economy (industry, transport, agriculture, trade, services, etc.);
- in business, large, medium and small business;
- in trade and exchange activities;
- in scientific and design activities of technology parks, research institutes, design bureaus, etc .;
- in the management of enterprises and state self-government bodies (local authorities, city and regional administrations, etc.);
- in educational activities (teachers of economics) and more.
Under the leadership of V. Dykan at the Department of “Economics and Management of Production and Commercial Business” of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport formed and operates a scientific school in the areas: “Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy”, “Economic security of the enterprise”, “Strategic enterprise management”, “State regulation economy “,” International transport infrastructure, industrial centers and corporate logistics “,” Entrepreneurship “.
The department has its own Academic Council for the defense of PhD and doctoral dissertations. It is thanks to her that the graduates of our department have a real opportunity to enter graduate school, obtain the degree of candidate, and in the future a doctor of economics, and stay at the department for further work as a teacher.
The department publishes a professional collection of scientific and practical articles “Bulletin of Transport Economics and Industry“, which is part of the scientific and metric base. The department is also a co-organizer of sixteen scientific and practical international conferences “International Transport Infrastructure, Industrial Centers and Corporate Logistics”.
The department has a high level of scientific potential, which is represented by highly qualified specialists in the field of enterprise economics: 6 doctors and 8 candidates of economic sciences.
The research work of students, which is carried out in the Student Research Center within the scientific school of the department, is actively supported.
Teachers of our department carry out wide cult mass work with students: trips to the cinema, theaters, football matches, organization of excursions in Kharkov and other cities.