collection “The bulletin of transport and industry economics”
Since 2000, the department has published a collection of scientific papers “The bulletin of transport and industry economics“, which is approved as a professional publication.
During the entire period of existence of the collection of scientific works, 86 issues were published.
The editor-in-chief is Doctor of Economics, Professor V. Dykan.
The collection is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus (ICV 2019: 83.98), has bibliometric and abstract databases in the section of scientific periodicals on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky, Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine (URAN), GoogleScholar (Five-Year Index Worse – 31).
The main topics of the Bulletin’s articles are issues of state regulation of the country’s economy, enterprise economy, problems of the transport complex of Ukraine, socio-economic relations, investment and innovation, management and marketing, economic psychology, ethics, morals and business culture and other general economic issues.