Research work of the department
On the basis of the department EMICB is a powerful scientific school, which is headed by student and colleague of the outstanding scientist , acknowledged the international community , the director of the Institute of Economics Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , academician Ivan Illarionovich Lukinova – Dikan Vladimir Leonidovich .
As noted by I. Lukinov , ” the strategic goal – the end result is reduced to create on the foundation of all the best , that accumulated by mankind , strong , socially oriented and competitive economy of the country , which would be characterized by market dynamism , high technological and organizational – managerial level , structural balance , commodity-money deficit and a decent life of his people. The primary concern is achieving production of the gross national product per capita of the population to the level of highly developed countries , without which it is impossible to implement on a sound economic basis necessary social programs . “ The researches of V. Dykan’s scientific school are aimed at achieving such strategic goals .
The main areas of research of the school are:
” Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in a market economy “,
” Economic security of the enterprise “,
” Strategic management of the enterprise “,
” State regulation of the economy “,
” International transport corridors and logistics centers “.
The results of research are reflected in scientific publications , thesis works of graduate students and applicants of the department .
From 2001 to the Department operates a specialized scientific council D 64.820.05 on defense of doctoral and master’s theses on specialties ” Economics and management of enterprises (by the types of economic activity )” and ” Economy and management of a national economy .”
During the 2001-2021 biennium . in specialized academic pleased held defense 16 theses to obtain academic title of doctor of economic sciences, 134 thesis papers for obtaining scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences. Now the department has trained five graduate students and two candidates . The topics of dissertations and papers submitted for defense , which are still being prepared , are determined by the main areas of research activities of the department and faculty.
Since 2002 created Editorial Board of the collection of scientific papers “The bulletin of transport and industry economics” , which is published 4 times a year and included in the ” List of electronic professional books , in which are published the results of dissertation work to obtain academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences” to Based Decree HAC of Ukraine № 1-05 / 6 from 11.06.03r., Decree HAC Ukraine № 1-05 / 4 of 14.10.09r., Order of MES Ukraine on 21 December 2015, the number 1328 ( Appendix number 8), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №157 of February 9, 2021. Index Hirsch collection ( scientometric indicator , which determines the location of the collection in the scientific environment of the country ) is 31, which allows him to enter the 30-ku best magazines Ukraine.
The results of the scientific-practical international conference ” International transport infrastructure , industrial centers and corporate logistics “ , which is held for 17 years in a row and co-organized by Dykan VL, testify to the significant contribution to the development of the transport system of Ukraine , railway transport and high level of research .
Research work:
During 2005-2019, scientists of the department cooperated with the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine , Ukrzaliznytsia , Southern Railway in the framework of research activities , dedicated to the following :
” Recommendations on formation and feasibility study calculations the cost of passenger transportation for distant connections in tariff prices . Method of calculating the cost of passenger transportation for distant communication “;
” Methodological aspects of improving freight rail tariffs on the basis of consideration of the demand for transport “;
” Ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the conditions of international transport corridors “;
” Ensuring the competitiveness of industrial enterprises of railway transport”;
” Development of technical and economic calculations and proposals for transshipment of reinforced concrete bridges on the tracks of transport corridors “;
” Ensuring the competitiveness of railway transport in the logistics system “;
” Research and development of organizational and economic mechanism of investment and innovation activities of the railway complex on the principles of integration “;
” Development of methodological regulations and ensure the competitiveness of the national network of rail international transport corridors “;
” Research and development of methodological provisions to ensure the competitiveness of railway transport, taking into account the socio-economic responsibility of railway transport enterprises .”
Today the research work of the department aims to conduct basic and applied research , dedicated to the problems of ensuring the competitiveness and innovation of enterprises of railway transport in terms of digitization and transformation of the environment of operation , as well as the development of business tourism industry of Ukraine .
The department conducts initiative research work on the following topics:
- ” Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises of railway transport in terms of digitalization ” (Room state registration number 0121U110457, dates of execution : 2020-2023 gg .). The head of the initiative research – Doctor of Economics , Professor Dykan V.
- ” Organizational-economic bases of enterprises of tourist industry of Ukraine ” (the number of the state registration number 0121U110460, dates of execution : 2020-2023 gg .). The head of the initiative research – Doctor of Economics , Associate Professor Tokmakova I.
- ” Providing innovative development of enterprises of railway transport Ukraine in terms of transformation of the environment ” (number of the state registration number 0121U110459, dates of execution : 2020-2023). The head of the initiative research – Doctor of Economics , Associate Professor Ovchinnikova V.