Position: associate professor
Science degree, academic title: PhD in Sci. Eng.
Year of birth: 1988
In 2011, she graduated with honors from the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in organization transportation and transport management. She defended her thesis in the specialized academic council D 64.820.04 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, specialty 05.22.01 Transport Systems. Thesis title: “Formation of Automated Container Transportation Technology by Rail based on the Theory of Random Flows”. Scientific supervisor – Dr. Sci. Eng. Professor T. Butko.
Scientific activity direction:
Formation of an automated technology to transport containers by rail based on the theory of random flows
Author of more than 62 scientific and scientific-methodological works, of which 47 are scientific, 10 patents, 5 of an educational and methodological nature.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
1. Kutsenko M. ; Kolisnyk A.;Kameniev O.; Shcheblykina O.; Yaruta A. Research of process of receipt of container flows at railway terminal stations in the conditions of intermodal transportations. AIP Conference Proceedings 2684, 020006 (2023) URL: process-of-receipt-of-container-flows?redirectedFrom=fulltext
2. Butko T.V., Prymachenko H.O., Kovalov, A.O., Kolisnyk A.V. and others. Research on the Issue of Prognosticationing the Volume of Passenger Traffic on Railway Transport in Meanrn Conditions. Review of Economics and Finance. – 2023. – 21(1). – p. 236–245. URL:
3. Берестов І. В., Кириченко О. М., Раківненко В. П., Колісник А. В., Сведюк Р. Р. Шляхи підвищення надійності контейнерних перевезень у міжнародному сполученні в умовах війни / // Збірник наукових праць Українського державного університету залізничного транспорту. – 2024. – Вип. 208. – С. 122-130. URL:
4. Берестов І.В., Колісник А.В., Пестременко-Скрипка О.С., Богачук Д.П. Обґрунтування доцільності транспортування соняшникової олії з використанням флексітанків у системі інтермодальних перевезень. Інформаційно-керуючі системи на залізничному транспорті, 2023, №2. – С. 81-87. URL:
5. Berestov I.V. Study of methods for predicting the receipt of container flows from shippers to the railway terminal station) /Berestov I.V, Kolisnyk A.V. Shcheblykina O.V. and other // Sworldjournal, 2022 №16-01, p 40- 45. URL:
6. Берестов І.В., Колісник А.В., Щебликіна О.В. Удосконалення процесу надходження вантажних поїздів на прикордонну станцію в умовах воєнного стану. Зб. Наук. Праць. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник, 2022, № 5(36), частина ІІ. – С.298-306. URL:
7. Butko T., Prokhorov V., Parkhomenko L., Kolisnyk A. Devising an automated technology to organize the railroad transportation of containers for intermodal deliveries based on the theory of point. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. –
Kharkiv: PC «Technology Center», 2020. – № 1/3(103). – P. 6–12. – URL:
8. Prokhorchenko А., Panchenko А., Parkhomenko L., Kolisnyk A. and other. Forecasting the estimated time of arrival for a cargo dispatch delivered by a freight train along a railway section. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technolo-gies. –
Kharkiv: PC Technology Center, 2019. №3/3(99). – Р. 30-38. – URL:
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Railway stations and junctions | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
2 | Creating digital models of railway stations | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
3 | Creating digital models of railway stations | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
4 | CAD of border separation points | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
5 | CAD of border separation points | Customs control on transport (railway transport) |
6 | CAD of border separation points | Organization of international transportation |
7 | Customs regulations and responsibility for their violation | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
8 | Customs regulations and responsibility for their violation | Customs control on transport (railway transport) |
9 | Customs regulations and responsibility for their violation | Organization of international transportation |