Science degree, academic title: Doctor of Economics, Professor
Year of birth: 1950
Kharkiv State University, 1973, “Geography”, geographer, teacher of geography, candidate of geographical sciences (1981). Kharkiv State University of Economics, 1997, “Finance and Credit”, economist.
Worked as a member of expert commissions for licensing and accreditation of higher education institutions in the field of Management and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, in particular the section Management and Administration.
Has been working at the Higher School for over 40 years.
Deineka is a member of two specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport and V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Deineka prepared 10 graduate students and applicants who received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences and one Doctor of Science. He is constantly invited to oppose candidate and doctoral dissertations in other universities of Ukraine, annually participates in the accreditation and licensing of universities in the field of “Management”.
Scientific activity direction:
Organizational and managerial aspects of development of basic branches of economy of Ukraine, in particular transport, energy and others.
Within the framework of scientific and educational-methodical work 57 methodical works were published and prepared for printing: monographs – 16; textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – 11; lecture notes – 7; other methodical editions – 39; 92 articles in professional scientific journals. He has participated in more than 130 domestic and international scientific and scientific-practical conferences.
Awards and diplomas:
For many years of work in higher education in 2005 he was awarded a diploma of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, has a number of acknowledgements of the State Administration of Railway Transport, and in 2011 was awarded the anniversary medal “In honor of the 150th anniversary of railway transport of Ukraine.”
Дейнека О. Г. Стратегічне планування як основа ефективного розвитку залізничного транспорту в умовах його реформування / О. Г. Дейнека, А. А. Рудь, А. М. Теличко // Трансформаційні процеси в економіці: від конкуренції до кооперації : матеріали І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, 26 жовтня 2023 р. – Хмельницький: ХКТЕІ, 2023.– С. 27-29.