In 1999, graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, received diploma with honors majoring in Operation and repair of agricultural machinery, mechanical engineer. In 2020, graduated from Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, received diploma with honors of master majoring in Metrology and information-measuring equipment educational program Quality, standardization and certification.
PhD in Engineering Science since 2021. She defended his PhD thesis at the specialized scientific board D 64.832.04 at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture in specialty 05.02.01– “Materials science”. The subject of the thesis was “Higher wear resistance of an oil gear pump for tractor diesel engines”. She research advisor was Dr.Sc., Professor L. Timofeeva.
Scientific activity direction:
Development of technologies to increase the wear resistance of transport parts, resource conservation, quality assurance of coating technologies for transport parts.