Faculty of «Construction»

The first enrolment of students in the Faculty of Civil Engineering took place in 1945.

Currently, students at the faculty study in the following specialities and educational programmes:

First (bachelor’s) level of education

131 “Applied mechanics”

Organisation of fuel and oil management at enterprises

133 “Machine building”

Construction, railway, mining and oil and gas machines

Certification and quality of petroleum products for engineering applications

192 “Construction and civil engineering”

Industrial and civil engineering

Expertise and management of the construction and operation of buildings and structures

193 “Geodesy and land management”

Geodesy, land management and cadastre

Valuation of land and real estate

273 “Railway transport”

Management of the track complex of railways, urban and industrial transport

Railway structures and track facilities

Second (master’s) level of education

133 “Industrial Engineering”

Lifting and transport, construction, road and track machinery and equipment

192 “Construction and civil engineering”

Industrial and civil engineering

273 “Railway transport”

Railway structures and track facilities (educational and professional, and educational and scientific programmes)

“Considering the specific needs of railway transport, the specialists at the Faculty of Civil Engineering blend profound theoretical and practical knowledge through comprehensive training. This approach has resulted in consistent demand for graduates from railway and construction companies in Ukraine, with nearly all of our alumni securing promising employment opportunities in recent years.”