Olena Zorina
Position: Head of the Department
Science degree, academic title: Dr. Sci. in Economics, Professor
Year of birth: 1960
In 1982, she graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (KHIIT) majoring in “Mechanized Processing of Economic Information”, qualified as an engineer-economist. She defended her PhD thesis in 1996. In 2012, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialized academic council D 64.820.05 of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport with the specialty 08.00.03 – “Economics and management of the national economy” on the topic “Ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of railway transport of Ukraine”. Associate Professor since 2002; Doctor of Economic Sciences since 2013. Has 30 years of educational and pedagogical work.
Passed the LIFECELL DIGITAL ACADEMY training cycle and received a certificate dated 12/16/2021.
Scientific activity direction:
Zorina Olena is a specialist in the field of improving the efficiency of Ukrainian railways, strategic marketing in railway transport, development of information systems in railway transport; in recent years, he has been engaged in the development of the principles of building the organizational structure of marketing activities in railway transport, the issues of innovation and investment strategy in transport marketing, the development of the theory of economic evaluation of marketing projects and business plans.
Special member of the Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate’s Dissertations D 64.820.05 at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. He is the supervisor of dissertation works. Zorina Olena conducts the training and retraining of specialists for the railways of Ukraine, provides them with educational and methodological literature, takes an active part in the training of highly qualified personnel, in the development of end-to-end integrated training programs, modular training plans and ensures their quality implementation, introduction of new training methods into the training process . . Actively cooperates with marketing specialists at the state and international levels. He is a permanent member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association, the Club of Heads of the Department of Marketing. Member of the editorial board of the scientific publication “Bulletin of Transport and Industry Economy”, which publishes articles in the direction of 08.00.03 – economy and management of the national economy.
Author of more than 230 scientific works. As part of the scientific and educational-methodical work of Professor Zorina О. prepared for printing and published 177 scientific works and 57 educational and methodological ones, including 73 in specialized publications, 4 monographs and 11 teaching aids with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2 textbooks, incl. 1 with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Zorina O. is a co-author of 11 copyright certificates and patents.
The number of scientific and research developments carried out on the order of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and other business entities – 9.
Awards and diplomas:
For a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for railway transport of Ukraine, the creative application of advanced technologies in the educational process of the organization of the financial and economic activity of the industry was awarded with the Thanks of the Mayor of Kharkiv; for her personal contribution to the training of qualified personnel for railway transport, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the rector of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport; for conscientious work, high professionalism, a significant contribution to the implementation of the task of modern state policy in the field of education, she was awarded the Gratitude of the Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration; for significant achievements in the development of science and teaching skills, she was awarded the Diploma of the rector of UkrSURT; as the best lecturer of the Faculty of Transport Economics, she was awarded the Certificate of the Rector of UkrSURT; for conscientious work, personal contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel for railway transport, high professionalism, and on the occasion of the professional holiday of the Day of Railwaymen, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor from the rector of UkrSURT.
Featured publications:
- Зоріна О.І., Морозов О.М., Попков В.В. Маркетингові дослідження ринку снекової продукції // Міжнародний науковий журнал «Інтернаука», 2019.
- Зоріна, О.І., Калабухін Ю.Є,, Каменева Н.М., Мкртичьян О.М. Науково-практичний підхід до розподілу експлуатаційних витрат на утримання вантажних станцій в умовах невизначеності // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2021. – Вип. 75. – С. 138-149.
- Зоріна, О.І., Калабухін Ю.Є,, Каменева Н.М. Науково-методичний підхід до розподілу експлуатаційних витрат підприємств залізничного транспорту за умови збитковості // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2021 – 2022. – Вип. 76 – 77. – С. 33 – 45.
- Зоріна О.І., Каменева Н.М., Кіпренко А.В. Результати дослідження впливу якісних показників використання рухомого складу на собівартість вантажних перевезень / Вісник Хмельницького нац. ун-ту, 2023. – № 3. – С. 271 – 279.
- Volodymyr Lysechko, Olena Zorina, Borys Sadovnykov, Galina Cherneva, Volodymyr Pastushenko Experimental study of optimized face recognition algorithm for resource – constrained // Mechanics Transport Communications. 2023-05-30//Journal article № 2343 Vol. 21, no. 1. ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online)
- Зоріна О.І., Каменева Н.М., Кіпренко А.В. Результати дослідження впливу діяльності вантажних станцій на собівартість вантажних перевезень / Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2024. – Вип. 86. – С. 150.
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Expenses on railway transport and cost of transportation | Marketing |
2 | Economic analysis of economic activity of transport systems | Marketing |
3 | Economic assessment of marketing projects and business plans | Marketing |
4 | Innovative investment strategy in transport marketing | Marketing |
6 | Management | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
7 | Management | Enterprise Economics |
8 | Management | Finance and Global Market Trading |
9 | Management | Finance, Banking and Insurance |
10 | Management | Entrepreneurship |
11 | Basics of management | Organization of Traffic and Transport Management |
12 | Forecasting of transport services | ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND TAXATION |
13 | Forecasting of transport services | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
14 | Forecasting of transport services | Marketing |