FUTURE MARKETER'S CLUBDo you want to get creative? Do you have an unlimited number of advertising ideas? Are you the new “Andriy Fedorov”? But you don`t know a lot what are innovative means of marketing communications used? Join us!

For “pumping” creative thinking, master classes “Creative technologies in advertising and marketing” are offered. The program has the following areas:

  • advertising creative
  • neuromarketing
  • ambient marketing
  • SEO and SMM promotion
  • environmental marketing
  • new branding
  • Internet marketing communications
  • and many other “bomb” topics.

Master classes “Creative technologies in advertising and marketing” are held every last Friday of the month in ZOOM

ID: 436 501 3398

Code: 777777

Olena Syvolovska, associate professor, and Alla Dergousova, associate professor, share with you the latest developments in the field of marketing
