Alla Derhousova
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics in external form of education and education work
Science degree, academic title: Ph.D. of economic, Associate Professor
Year of birth: 1980
In 2004 graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in Marketing. In 2012 defended her Ph.D. thesis from the specialized academic council D 64.820.05 of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialty 08.00.04 – “Economics and Management of Enterprises” on the topic “Formation of the strategy of railway tourism development”. In 2013 was conferred the academic status of docent (associate professor).
Scientific activity direction:
Scope of scientific interests: strategic development of railway enterprises; development of additional services in the field of passenger transportation; ways to increase the competitiveness of passenger rail transportation; organization of marketing activities at the enterprises of tourist infrastructure; development of marketing activities at the enterprise; modern PR-technologies; brand management; formation of the company’s image; development of communication strategies at enterprises of different ownership.
Author of 120 scientific publications and teaching materials. A. Derhousova wrote, edited and published more than 100 scientific and 25 educational-methodical study works, 3 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Awards and diplomas:
A. Derhousova was awarded an honorary diploma for her valuable contribution to the training and education of highly qualified specialists for railway transport of Ukraine, active scientific and public activity, high professionalism.
Featured publications:
- Improvement of the concept of the image of the enterprise for the account of social-ecological public effects // A. Dergousova, O. Chebanova, Yu. Elagin / International Jurnal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4.3)/ – 2018. – p. 409-413.
- Шляхи покращення комунікаційної політики підприємства // А.О. Дергоусова, К.І. Белевцова / Міжнародний науковий журнал «Інтернаука», 2018. – № 19 (59).
- Розробка маркетингових заходів просування продукції підприємства / А.О. Дергоусова, О.А. Жила // Міжнародний науковий журнал “Інтернаука”. – 2019/10. – №14.
- Формування стратегії комунікації для закладу вищої освіти / А.О. Дергоусова, Є.В. Романович // Міжнародний науковий журнал “Інтернаука”. Серія: Економічні науки. – 2019/10. – №10 (30).
- Дергоусова А. О., Сиволовська О. В., Мкртичьян О. М. Формування стратегії бренд-менеджменту в сфері освітніх послуг. Ефективна економіка. 2022. № 2.
- Дергоусова А.О. Дослідження феномену нативної реклами у сучасному медіапросторі / Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – 2022/3. – №80. – С. 179-186.
- Foreign experience of business process digitalization in local governments / Alla Derhousova, Olena Druhova // Global Scientific Trends: Economics and Public Administration. – 4/2023. – P. 92-109.
- Дергоусова , А., Токарева , В., & Панасюк, І. (2024). КЛІЄНТООРІЄНТОВАНИЙ МАРКЕТИНГ В УМОВАХ ЦИФРОВІЗАЦІЇ ЕКОНОМІКИ. Економіка та суспільство, (62).
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Marketing | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
2 | Marketing | Accounting, audit and taxation of commercial activities |
3 | Marketing | Commercial activity and logistics |
4 | Marketing | Finance and Global Market Trading |
5 | Marketing | Finance, Banking and Insurance |
6 | Marketing | International Economics |
7 | Marketing | Economic security of the enterprise |
8 | Marketing | Enterprise Economics |
9 | Marketing pricing | Marketing |
10 | Marketing pricing | Commercial activity and logistics |
11 | Consumer behavior | Marketing |
12 | Consumer behavior | Commercial activity and logistics |
13 | Public Relations | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
14 | Public Relations | Accounting, audit and taxation of commercial activities |
15 | Public Relations | Marketing |
16 | Public Relations | Commercial activity and logistics |
17 | Brand management | Marketing |