Olena Mkrtychyan
Position: Senior lecturer
Science degree, academic title:
Year of birth: 1983
In 2008 graduated from Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport with a degree in management of organizations. In 2008 she entered graduate school.
Scientific activity direction:
Scope of scientific interests: freight transportation by rail; improving the operational work of railway transport; marketing research of the transport services market; advertising activity; marketing logistics.
Author of more than 60 scientific works. Including: 43 scientific and 18 educational and methodological works, 3 teaching aids with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 3 monographs.
The number of scientific and research developments carried out on the order of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” and other business entities – 1.
Awards and diplomas:
Featured publications:
- Зоріна О. І., Мкртичьян О. М. Шляхи підвищення ефективності діяльності малодіяльних ділянок залізниць України // Міжнародний науковий журнал “Інтернаука”. — 2017. — №13.
- Зоріна О.І., Нескуба Т.В., Мкртичьян О.М., Волохов В.А. Benchmarking of the Transport Market with Hierarchical Clustering of Rail Companies. – International Jurnal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4.3)/ – 2018. – p. 557 – 562. DOI:10.14419/ijet.v7i4.3.19956
- Мкртичьян О.М., Зоріна О.І. Маркетингові комунікації в системі засобів просування соціально-культурних проектів [Електронний ресурс] / Міжнародний науковий журнал «Інтернаука», 2018. – № 2.
- Olena Syvolovska, Tetiana Neskuba, Olena Aleksandrova and Olena Mkrtychyan Implementation of innovative marketing technologies for higher efficiency of the marketing communication complex // SHS Web of Conferences 67, 04013 (2019)
- Мкртичьян О.М., Калабухін Ю.Є,, Зоріна, О.І., Каменева Н.М. Науково-практичний підхід до розподілу експлуатаційних витрат на утримання вантажних станцій в умовах невизначеності // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2021. – Вип. 75. – С. 138-149
- Дергоусова А. О., Сиволовська О. В., Мкртичьян О. М. Формування стратегії бренд-менеджменту в сфері освітніх послуг. Ефективна економіка. 2022. № 2. DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2022.2.80
The main subjects that teaches are:
Number | Discipline | Education Program/Higher Education Level |
1 | Marketing | Accounting, audit and taxation of banks and financial institutions |
2 | Marketing | Marketing |
3 | Marketing researches | Marketing |
4 | Marketing researches | Commercial activity and logistics |
5 | Marketing product policy | Marketing |
6 | Fundamentals of management and marketing | Industrial and Civil Engineering |
7 | Fundamentals of management and marketing | Construction and technical operation of railway engineering structures |
8 | Innovation and investment strategy in transport marketing | Marketing |
9 | Marketing of transport services and industrial enterprise | Marketing |
10 | Economic analysis of economic activity of transport systems | Accounting, audit and taxation of commercial activities |
11 | Economic analysis of economic activity of transport systems | Marketing |
12 | Маркетинг | Commercial activity and logistics |
13 | Marketing | Accounting, audit and taxation of commercial activities |
14 | Marketing | Finance and Global Market Trading |
15 | Marketing | Finance, Banking and Insurance |
16 | Marketing | Economic security of the enterprise |
17 | Marketing | Enterprise Economics |
18 | Marketing | Entrepreneurship |
19 | Marketing | Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities |
20 | Organization of tourist activities | Commercial activity and logistics |
21 | Organization of tourist activities | Marketing |